Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Don't Have Anything to Write About !

This is a complaint the BECA team hears quite a bit.

From our students.

About their blogs! [Parenthesis: The students are asked to keep a weekly blog. Most of them do it. The directory is here.]

Here are some of the regular refrains:
  • "I have nothing to write about." 
  • "Nobody is interested in what I have to say."
  • "My mind is numb."
  • "My head is full of school stuff. No room for blog stuff."
  • "My life is boring." 
  • "I've already written about everything there is to write about."
What our students don't realize is that their lives are actually super-interesting. They just don't see it that way. Oh well.

So I've decided to be proactive and make a few suggestions for blog topics:
  1. If I could change one thing about what would it be and why?
  2. Five things I want to do before I die
  3. If I came face to face with God, what would I ask?
  4. My bravest moment
  5. How I met my best friend
  6. What makes my mom (or dad) so special
  7. If I won a million dollars, what is the first thing I would buy and why?
  8. If I could change lives with someone, who would that person be?
  9. If my dog could talk, what would I ask it?
  10. What will nicaragua be like in 100 years?
  11. The animal I'd most like to be
  12. If I could change one thing about myself
  13. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life

Hey, and if you have any good ideas, why don't you stick them in this document. (English is okay.)

Let's call this "Mission: NMBC" (No más blog complaints.)

Gracias for reading.

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