Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hidden Treasure of BECA

We have something in BECA that is special.

Very special and rarely trumpeted.

It's our hidden treasure because we really don't do enough to let people know about it.

It's the student blog.

Every week, our students share a little bit about their lives with us.


And in all my research of youth organizations all over the world, I must say I haven't come across anything quite like it.

Yes, I've seen attempts. A student essay here. A collection of photos there.

But nothing comes even close to the discipline of our program participants. Week in and week out, the great majority of our becados write about their lives. 

I consider it quite an accomplishment.

Let's put this into perspective. Before they joined BECA, most didn't even know how to use a computer or surf the Internet, let alone write a blog.

Pretty cool.

Now if we only figure out a way to tell the world about it . . .

A blog, perhaps? 

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