Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One of My Favorite Professional Sports Moments Ever

I am not much of a professional baseball fan.

In fact, I rarely watch it.

Sometimes I pay attention to the World Series, but I don't lose any sleep if I miss it.

Nevertheless, there is one thing I adore about it.

Mariano Rivera.

He's a pitcher from Panama who plays for the New York Yankees.

What makes him so great in my eyes? His "best relief pitcher of all time" stats?


It's the way he carries himself, despite his superstar status in the sport.

I have never seen any star player in any North American professional league at any time conduct himself like Mariano Rivera conducts himself. (And that's saying something coming from someone who grew up watching Wayne Gretzky.)

A model of decency and humility.

Happily, it's not only me who thinks so.

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