Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How You Can Save an Endangered Species Today

I'm concerned about the future of a species that seems to be dwindling fast.

It's a human sub-species that we are familiar with.

It's the "optimist."

You know the type.

The person with something positive to say, usually with a smile.

The person who looks at the bright side.

The person who sees opportunity, instead of defeat.

The person with nary a bad word to say about anyone.

In these modern times characterized by a pervasive cynical press this species is dying, folks.

What can we do to prevent extinction?
  1. Keep them close. 
  2. Let them know how important they are to us: look them in the eye, and tell them how much we value them and their positive outlook on life.
I'm optimistic the species can be saved with this spiritual nourishment.

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