Thursday, December 26, 2013


Is it just me or is it that no one replies to e-mails anymore?

People just don't get back to you.

Or even acknowledge receipt!

  • Is the social etiquette different for electronic communication?
  • Is it the sheer informality of the medium?
  • Or is it a larger sign of our latest modernity?

(I hope it's not the latter. I'd prefer to opt out.)

One thing that I have always tried to impress upon the BECA staff is the importance of acknowledging all communications. Including e-mails.

And they do!

But they must really be wondering why so few respond in kind.

Well, what is it? Why don't you respond to e-mails?

I promise to get back to you.

1 comment:

  1. I think many people have become "voyeurs" - they read many social media posts and emails, but can't be bothered to comment or reply. Maybe they don't think they have to because of the impersonal nature of electronic messaging......Just my thoughts.
