Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Illegal Activities

The other day, a friend of mine suggested to me -- subtly and indirectly -- that he doesn't do anything illegal.


Absolutely lives 100% by the book.

Hmmm. It got me thinking. What about me?
Being the listmanic person I am, I started (finished?) a list. I limited my illegal activities to the last two years of my life and to the two countries where I spend the most time.

Illegal Activities - Canada
  • Not declaring everything to Canadian customs when entering the country
  • Jaywalking
  • Not wearing my seatbelt
  • Talking on the cell phone when driving
Illegal Activities - Nicaragua
  • Not stopping for pedestrians when driving
  • Speeding 
  • Bribing transit officials
  • Watching sports and TV shows on rogue websites
  • Downloading music (without paying)
  • Downloading books (without paying)
  • Buying pirated DVDs
  • Buying controlled medicines without a prescription
Two themes emerge: driving, and technology/entertainment . . . with the occasional valium purchase thrown in for good measure. To ease the moral burden, no doubt!

An interesting exercise in transparency.

And you? Are you willing to publish something similiar?

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