Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Tico Christmas

It looks like I'll be spending this Christmas in Costa Rica.

I came across the following brochure in a Costa Rican bank.

Scotiabank Costa Rica Brochure (December 2013)

Rough translation: "Costa Ricans are famous for their saving habits."

Oh really? I would never have guessed that. But it got me to thinking . . .

What would Canadians consider themselves famous for?

And Nicaraguans too?

With respect to Canada, I would say for being polite. And maybe a little bit boring.

Now in the second case . . . well, I would have to ask. But after six years -- if I had to choose one word -- I would say decent. Nicaraguans are a very decent people.

Not said lightly.

It's how I describe a man I know. A man I happen to admire greatly.

My father.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blogs. Content, style, etc get top marks! Did you know that your Father and brother Bill put their $$ together to buy me a grade 8 graduation gift -- a radio. We had electricity by then --1951 or so. And the radio was on whenever I was able to listen to it. In 1954, thanks to the radio and my listening habits, I heard Bishop Fulton Sheen talk about Christ, making him REAL! On July 1, 1954 I entered the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate to be Christ's follower, and never looked back! So Walter & Bill, a belated Thank you! Merry Christmas in Costa Rica and Blessings in 2014! Love & Prayers, Sr. Victoria
