Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm in Shock

After a very long Wednesday (miérrrrrrrrr . . . coles) of flying, I'm back in Canada for a quick ten-day visit.

(The occasion? My nephew's 18th birthday.)

I often hear people talk about "culture shock" when they come to Nicaragua. 

But have you ever heard of a Canadian experiencing "culture shock" when they return to Canada?

You have now.

I can only describe it as a general feeling of displacement and/or disorientation. And it seems to grow with each trip back "home."

Does this mean that I am feeling less and less Canadian and more and more Nicaraguan with each passing day?

I dunno.

But that isn't necessarily a bad thing, is it?


1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling more nicaraguan, also. Can mean that we are trapped here?
