Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Him and Her

It happened something like this . . . 

"Let's dance," she prodded.

He didn't say anything, hoping that she might just forget about the idea.

Seconds of silence which seemed like hours to him.

"I said let's dance, Mister."

Seeing that a verbal response was inevitable, he offered up a measly "hmmmm", still hoping that she might seek another suitor.

She wasn't about to let the issue die.

"What's your problem? A little dance didn't kill anyone," she persisted.

Acknowledging the wisdom of her words, he acquiesed, "Okay, alright."

He pulled her up from her chair and they spent a couple of minutes holding hands, jumping to the music.

"See, that wasn't so hard!"


Life is short.

And it took a dancing partner -- 90 years young and 100% blind -- to remind him.

Him and Her (March 2013)

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