Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Say Cheese

I'm a sucker for a beautiful smile. Here's some evidence:

Not always, though.

You see, I used to be super-jealous of my sister's beautiful smile. Kelly always received compliments on her infectious smile.


Her smile was even rewarded on television once ["When will this end?"]

Sister Kel and her Beautiful Smile
Nevertheless, somewhere along the way I became a big fan of big, beautiful smiles. (Maybe moving away does that, I dunno.)

And I'm happy to say that here in Nicaragua I have a Kelly-smile surrogate in my Nicaraguan day-to-day.

You see, we have someone on staff who has the Kelly smile of Nicaragua.

BECA Coordinator Sorania and her wonderful smile
Sorania may not realize it but her smile has the power to light up an entire room.
Methinks she could give Kelly a good run for the money. Smiling olympics, anyone?

My money's on . . . .

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