Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"You Play Favorites!"

That was a blast I got from a member of the BECA team last week.

"Es parcial, Walter y no me gusta." ("You play favorites, Walter and I don't like it.")

Given that one of our themes for 2013 is "impartiality" it might be considered a low blow.

When I asked for clarification, it was suggested that I give preference to certain members of the staff.

My response?

It's true.

I believe that the foundation should be a meritocracy.

I ask that each member of the BECA team give 100%.

And the staff members who respond by busting their butts for BECA Nicaragua should be rewarded.

In my way of thinking, they earn their perks fair and square.

It isn't personal.

It's about rewarding passion, dedication, and hard work.

Is there something wrong with that?

So yes, dear staff member, I play favorites.

And I won't make any apologies for it.

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