Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ticolandia with a [Gulp]

Back from ten days in Canada. A cold ten days.

[Parenthesis: Does your blood thin when you live in a tropical climate? This doctor thinks not, but that's what everyone else tells me.]

I think it's time for another break.

Now off to Ticolandia for a week.

"But you just got back from Canada," BECA Coordinator Sorania Dávila suggested.

Yeah . . . but . . . well . . .

Sorania just isn't aware of my master plan: To empower Team BECA Nica by leaving them to their own devices thereby encouraging self-sufficiency, independence and project management.

I figured I was on to something good. Really good.

That is until Assistant Director Maryury Ruíz piped up "we don't really need you that much, Walter."


Make that two weeks.

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