Thursday, January 10, 2013

Special Moments

Some say living here in Nicaragua has changed me. Others disagree and say that I haven't changed at all.

I'm not sure who is right.

One thing that has definitely changed are my "special moments."

When I think back of my "previous life" the special moments in my life mostly revolved around big events.

A birthday, a retirement party, a trip abroad, a marriage, a second marriage [gulp], you know, stuff like that.

That is no longer the case.

My special moments are now subtle, refined flashes of time usually no longer than a few minutes and sometimes lasting no longer than a few seconds.

The grandiose fireworks of special moments past have been replaced by an unassuming candle flickering in the wind.

I can't explain this turn. It could be because I just don't have any more big, special events in my life anymore.

I had a couple more of these new special moments this month involving two people I know here. That got me thinking of this change in my life.

What are your special moments like?

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