Thursday, January 17, 2013

"He's a Perfectionist"

This is something I hear quite a bit around here, mostly from BECA students.

"How would you describe Walter?"

"He's a perfectionist" might very well be the first thing out of their mouths. Throw in a "roll of the eyes" and you get the picture.

Eventhough I don't agree completely with the assessment, It doesn't bug me.

Not in the least.

The reality is that I refuse to accept mediocrity from the educational institutions we do business with in Nicaragua.

I expect good service from professionals and companies.

And I demand excellence from the members of my staff.

My perception is that BECA students (and their families) have been subjected to enough mediocrity in their lives.

The issue alone that these bright, young people in BECA didn't have an educational opportunity has "mediocre educational system" written all over it, doesn't it?

I mean it's what got me thinking about this whole BECA thing in the beginning.

So, yes I'm a perfectionist.

And thanks for the compliment!

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