Wednesday, January 23, 2013

3 Compliments

Often overlooked is the power of the sincere compliment. A sincere compliment:
  • can put a smile on someone's face. 
  • can put a smile on your own face.
  • doesn't cost anything.
  • can make a lasting, positive impression upon someone. (I'm not sure about you, but I can still remember some compliments I received when I was a kid!)
Where exactly is the downside here?

Despite all of this, I don't hear too many of them being passed around. From other people's mouths or from my own mouth.

Last January I tried something. I made it a habit of giving at least three sincere compliments each and every day.

[The key is that the compliment be sincere and unsolicited. This usually isn't too hard. It means one just has  to pay attention to other people, instead of only yourself. (Another upside!)]

I encourage you to give it a try and see what happens.

I have a feeling when you see how a sincere, unsolicited compliment can light up someone's face, you may think about making the habit permanent. 

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