Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Supervise or not to Supervise?

(From the BECA May Newsletter)

Supervision. And how much of it is really necessary?

The BECA team wrestles with this issue quite a bit.

Some members of the team think that the answer is "lots." 

The argument is that the students are still very young -- usually late teens to early twenties -- and therefore require it. Moreover, they are often the first in their family to study a career on a formal basis. (Imagine that!)

BECA Director Antonio Rodriguez with a scholarship candidate (April/12)
The other camp are of the opinion that our students have already proven their maturity and seriousness by qualifying for the scholarship. They are, after all, young adults and "chasing after them" at school and at home is largely unnecessary.

Currently our policy is that BECA Coordinators visit each student at school every month. In addition, during the July break, they pay their family a visit at home.

BECA program graduates are visited every other month. 

Originally, I was firmly entrenched in the "more supervision" group.

But I must admit that I find myself slowly changing my tune. Or mellowing out, if you like. 

Why? These young people are very resourceful. And many are seeking an educational opportunity, not someone to hold their hand.

Checking in on our students and graduates will always be a part of BECA.

The question is, how often? 

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