Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who is that Young Woman on the BECA Home Page?

I am sometimes asked how and why I chose the feature image of the BECA home page.

My answer has always been a rather sheepish and sluggish "I don't know."

The "poster girl" is Maryury Ruíz of Masaya. She is a graduate of the BECA program and is now working for BECA as a Coordinator.
Maryury Ruíz (2010)
A few months ago, BECA Executive Director Antonio Rodriguez decided to ask if any member of our team was interested in living in the city of Estelí to support our students studying there.

I am told Maryury volunteered for the opportunity. Enthusiastically. Wow! [Parenthesis. This was no pithy request. Estelí is far away from Masaya and moving away would be quite a dramatic change for any young nica from the campo. Think backwater Saskatchewan to downtown Toronto.]

Sadly, the marketing for more students in Estelí didn't go that well, through no fault of her own. And I believe that Maryury may be asked to move back to Masaya. Or maybe she already has.

Please don't despair Maryury! All of us admire your courageous and adventurous spirit.

And I can hardly wait for the next person to ask me why I chose your picture for the website.

Now I am ready to answer.

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