Friday, May 11, 2012

Much Ado About Nada

BECA students are required to write a blog every week.  I don't think we ask for much -- at least ten lines.

If I could hazard a guess, I would say a quarter of the students do an excellent job. A second quarter do what we call at BECA a "regular" job. The remaining 50% do the absolute bare minimum.

I don't consider the blog to be an onerous task, but you would never know it talking to some of them (especially "los minimalistas"). 

"I have nothing to write about."

Huh? Zip? Zero? Zilch?

Goose Egg? Bagel? Zippo?

Geez, we have a lot of words in the English language to express nothingness, don't we?

My personal favorite is zip, followed closely by zilch.

Also interesting to me is that we hear native English speakers using "nada." For the record, I have never ever heard a Spanish speaker say "nothing."

Hmmm. All of this might be useful information for the seven BECA students we have in our pilot Call Center training project.

But anyway, I dedicate this blog entry to those becados who complain about having nothing to write about.

You see, a person can even write a blog about nothing!

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