Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do you Believe in Coincidences?

Interestingly, I have found myself involved in a series of seemingly-related coincidences recently.

The whole thing has piqued my curiosity.

I decided to investigate further the phenomena of coincidences.

It appears that there are two opposing schools of thought on the issue.

The first, which I informally dub the "scientific" school, believes that coincidences are nothing special and trying to unearth a deeper meaning in them is a big waste of time. There will be none to be found. Ever.

The second school of thought tackles the issue from a "spiritual" perspective. Roughly speaking, coincidences are messages from God (or an alternative "higher power"). Adherents to the spiritual perspective argue that everything is affected by something related to it that may be unseen or unknowable. Paradoxically then, for the "spiritualists" coincidences do not exist.


So tell me. What do you think?

Should I be reading deeper? Or would I be wasting my time doing so?

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