Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You Can't Do That Here

"You can't do that here."

I've heard this more than a few times since showing up in Nicaragua four years ago. And being the stubborn ox that I am, that's all I need to hear to dig my heels in and prove a naysayer wrong.

Here are a few examples.

1) Have punctuality as a core value of BECA and reward only those who show up on time."

"This is Nicaragua, Walter. Are you nuts? You won't have any students left at the end of your screening course."

"Just watch us."

Sure enough, Nicaraguan youth are more than happy to show up on time. And from what I've seen, they're a lot better at it than some of their teachers.

2) Have three months of social service as a component of the BECA screening process.

Here even my main man in Nicaragua -- Excecutive Director Antonio Rodriguez -- had serious doubts.

"Nicaraguans don't believe much in community service. It isn't part of our culture."

"Just watch us."

It doesn't surprise me to see a majority of our students participate, and participate earnestly and enthusiatically (albeit not initially). So much about volunteering not being part of Nicaraguan culture.

3) Project Call Center. We have a goal of training a group of ten serious-minded young people in intensive English (8 hours a day!) to help them get employment in a Call Center afterwards.

To my surprise, a representative from one of the Call Centers themselves indicated to us his doubts. "I'm not sure it's possible. You are asking way too much of these youngsters."

That's all I needed to hear. I'm not sure if it's going to work, but it won't be because of a lack of blood, sweat and tears.

Why am I confident? Because we know how to do one thing well here at BECA.

And that's believe in our students.

And believe in them as unconditionally as possible. That's basically what we down here. Believe. The students do all the hard work. Our team can sit back and enjoy their successes.

After four years in Nicaragua, I am just now coming to realize the power of this simple concept.

Unconditional belief in a person can move mountains.

So Mr. "Call Center Expert" Don't underestimate these young people. We believe in them.

So I say to you . . .

"Just watch them."

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