Wednesday, March 14, 2012

At Last, My Love Has Returned

At long last you have returned to me, the love of my life.

It feels like an eternity since I held you. An eternity of more than ten months.

How deeply I have missed the touch of your soft skin.

And how profoundly warm it makes me feel inside to have you here at my side.

My dear Rosita.

Why, I ask you, must you limit your visits so? Why must you limit your visit to a painfully inadequate seven weeks?

Why, I ask you?

And then . . . you leave me alone again. To suffer companionless in this foreign land.

And I begin again the arduous countdown of your return.

Why must love be so cruel?

Alas, it is pointless to torture myself now by thinking of your impending departure.

Allow me these seven weeks of contented bliss.
Allow me these seven weeks to drown myself in the heavenly taste of your sweet nectar.

My dear Rosita.

My precious Nicaraguan mango.

How I adore you.

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