Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Ode to Masaya

I miss my dear city of Masaya.

Oodles and oodles. (Look that one up my dear "pioneers.")

This is the Nicaraguan city that welcomed me with open arms in August 2008 when I first arrived as an old youngster eager to change the world.

Last year I left as a slightly older youngster to live in the North of Nicaragua. First in Matagalpa (about four months), and then EstelĂ­ -- six months and still counting.

Nothing wrong with those places. Nothing at all. Biggest plus is the climate up there. It's much more suitable to my Canadian blood.

And let me tell you that there's plenty not to like about Masaya:
  • It's darn hot.
  • It has more mosquitoes.
  • There is more dust. 
  • There is more garbage on the street.
  • And, it's noisy.
But you're beautiful Masaya.

And I love you.

And I'm thinking of coming back home.

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