Thursday, March 22, 2012

What I Miss in Nicaragua

One thing that I go without more than I would like to here in Nicaragua?

A really, good stimulating conversation.

I'm not talking about the superficial blah-blah-blah like weather, sports scores, and traffic conditions.

I mean the deeper stuff.

One on one conversations, face to face.

I love talking about deeper issues, provocative issues, current events.

It's probably my fault and I suppose there a couple of obstacles to overcome.
  • Nicas say that I'm intimidating.
  • Others say that my Spanish is pathetic and not worth the while.
  • Still others suggest that I'm too blunt for their taste.
  • It has also been suggested that "my doors appear closed."

All points well taken. I will work harder, especially on the last point.

But if you still want to talk about the weather?

It's hot. Period.

Let's go to the next topic, okay? :)

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