Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Magic of the Sponsor Visit

When a sponsor pays a visit to a "becado" several good things happen:

1) The BECA experience becomes all the more real for the student. "Wow, this person who sponsored me ACTUALLY DOES EXIST."

2) The BECA experience becomes all the more real for the sponsor. "Wow, this is not some scam. I really am supporting the dreams of a REAL HUMAN BEING."

3) The BECA experience becomes all the more real for the participating school. "Geez, what we are teaching matters and it is important. We have to be accountable."

Today Lucie, who is working temporarily on another project in Nicaragua, took the time to visit two of the "becados" she has sponsored (Maria and Ligia) at the school CECIM in Ciudad Sandino.

It was inspiring to watch.

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