Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School

It was my first day of class since graduating from college four years ago. Only this time I was present as an administrator instead of a student.

The day had very little to do with me, however, and everything to do with our new becados, who made their way from the rural suburbs of Masaya, Managua, and Granada to embark on their new journeys. As I posed this simple question to our students, Why are you taking this course?, responses such as ”for my family”, “to find jobs”, “to move forward” were recited over and over again. In addition to their responses, I was quick to point out that the course could and should be viewed as an opportunity.

Opportunity. It wasn’t until later in the evening that I gave this word some thought. And when I did, I realized that this word has so many meanings for so many people. As an American, I understand opportunity to mean a chance for something different; a chance for something never experienced before; a chance for progress. I believe it has a positive connotation. I believe this because my life has been filled with opportunity. But what if my life had not been filled with opportunity? What if this class, BECA Course One, was my first opportunity? Would I even understand its significance?

Our becados live in poverty. They have not had much, if any, opportunity. Therefore, it is easy for me to understand the significance of this opportunity for them.

I hope they see it the same way. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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