Monday, August 11, 2008

And then there were three . . .

When it comes to the administration of, I am obsessed about a couple of things.

First, I am obsessed with keeping the costs of administration to an absolute minimum. In my (albeit) limited time working in development I have seen a lot of waste.

Minimizing bureaucracy can be challenging, especially if one is working in an environment where there is a significant "taker" mentality. Nevertheless, I remain stubborn about this point and refuse to bend when given the opportunity. (And trust me, I have been given many here in Nicaragua.)

My second obsession is quality.

My second obsession led me to make a difficult decision today. I had to inform one of the participating schools -- Computadoras de Granada -- that would be continuing without them.

It is important to me that all of our partners take every aspect of the system seriously. I just didn't see that happening in this case.

The good news is that the other three founding partner schools (CECIM, MASINFA and INTECOMP) are doing a good job, so far.

My personal commitment to is unwavering and clear: unabridged quality with an efficient, lean operation.

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