Monday, August 11, 2008

The Best Part of

I get asked quite often what I like best about working on this project. It doesn't take long to answer: meeting the students.

I personally try to meet all of the students in their homes. (With a current total of 113 "becados", it is an achievable goal.) It is a wonderful, enriching experience.

For example on Saturday (8-09-08), I made some house visits to the students who are currently enrolled in the CURSO UNO course at INTECOMP. Xochilt (see picture below) was one of those students.

What do we talk about? Well, I ask the students about their dreams, about their families, about their career aspirations, and, of course, about their experience so far with Xochilt, for example, wants to work in health care. I asked her about her social project (Every scholarship recipient has to commit to a social project in their community.) She started talking rabidly about how she wanted to restore the park in her community and how the park used to be so lush and vibrant and special. Before I knew it, we were on our way to pay the park a visit.

I'm just crazy about this stuff.

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