Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Outside the Classroom

There is nothing more humbling and rewarding than watching our becados perform outside of the classroom, and make a difference in their communities.

This past Saturday I spent part of the morning with Olga and Idalia, two of our becados at partner school, Intecomp. Olga and Idalia have committed to maintaining the landscape and cleanliness of the local school of their neighborhood, Barrio Gonzalo Martínez. This school was generously donated by the Government of Japan, and as Olga said, "is a bit more elegant than the classroom [she] studied in." Olga and Idalia weren't the only ones to make an appearance. Their project supervisor, as well as Olga's children decided to join the fun!

Since BECA.org was founded on the principle of giving Nicaraguans opportunities they otherwise may not have, we believe that the idea of "giving" should be a way of life for all people. Including our becados.

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