Thursday, January 23, 2014

Enjoy the Cold!

No, I'm not making fun of all of you people enduring harsh winters up north.

I feel for you.

I really do.

So much so that I did something in your honor.

I went to McDonald's in Managua and ordered a brimming, hot coffee to warm me up.

Well, okay, not to warm me up. I reside in a tropical country, after all.

But to remind me of my many, many visits to Tim Horton's drive thru's buying Canada's favorite coffee to warm me up on those chilly winter mornings.

Tim Horton's - Canada's Coffee Shop of Preference

Alas, no Tim Horton's here in Nicaragua. McDonald's would just have to be my surrogate.

And McDonald's did not disappoint.

Touching my heart with the snowflakes on the coffee cup.

Managua, January 2014

Isn't life wonderful?

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