Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Beauty of the Short Sentence

As the staff will attest, I am a big fan of the short sentence.

I nag them about writing short, crisp sentences in their professional correspondence.

In defense of my partiality, let me paraphrase what blogger Kate Brauning has to say on the subject.
  • Shorter sentences are more impactful.
  • Shorter sentences help your readers stay engaged. The pauses between sentences allows a moment to refocus.
  • Shorter sentences prompt readers to keep reading. It's tiresome to read extremely long sentences.
  • Short sentences are less likely to contain unnecessary words like "that", "there is/are", "because of", "which" etc.
  • Short sentences are not as confusing as long sentences. 
Additionally, I believe that short sentences challenge us to focus our own thoughts and present our ideas in a concise, clear manner. Profesionally impressive!

On top of it all, some of my favorite sentences are "shorties":
  • Less is more. 
  • Have fun. 
  • Life's short. 
  • I believe in you.
Take care!

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