Thursday, September 19, 2013

If I Were King of Nicaragua

There is a lot of talk currently in Nicaragua about the potential building of a canal, to rival Panama's.

It's a MULTIbillion-dollar project.

And some believe a megaproject like a transoceanic canal is just what the country needs.

It got me to thinking.

If money was not an issue, and I were the King of Nicaragua, what one thing would I do to improve the situation here?

I wouldn't have to think long.

Overnight I would double all primary school teacher salaries.

They are grossly underpaid.

Classroom sizes are huge. It's not unusual to see forty, forty-five, or even fifty kids in a classroom.

Teaching resources? What teaching resources? It's not unusual to see teachers buying their own whiteboard markers.

Let's not even begin to talk about the physical state of the schools.

Not suprisingly, given these working conditions, it is a vocation in decline.

In five years of awarding scholarships BECA has only awarded one scholarship to study teaching.


Doubling the salaries would represent a bold, first step to reinvigorate the career.

Yes, I know. Money isn't everything.

But the primary school teachers are important. They don't deserve to be on the lower end of the payscale, like they are now.

A decent salary would attract better candidates. And possibly boost the prestige of the occupation.

What I see now in this country are bright people studying English to work in call centers. For the money. It's a rational choice for themselves and their families.

I would like these bright, young people to consider the teaching profession.

If I were King.

I'm not and I never will be.

But I challenge the emerging young leaders -- the Uranias, Reynaldos, and Maryurys of Nicaragua -- to consider bold, audacious moves like this.

You are in a position to make a difference.

And I believe in you.

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