Thursday, September 26, 2013

100 Piñas Coladas

Some of you may know that in BECA Nicaragua we don't hand out scholarships.

The participants earn them.

And we don't make it easy for them. The classification process is six months long, beginning with three months of computer classes and ending with three months volunteering full-time in a local primary school.

118 nicaraguans began this journey way back in March.

Tuesday (24-9-13) was the final day of classification.

And . . . 100 finished.

Please allow me a few exclamation marks.
100!!  A whopping 84.75%!!

Very impressive stuff and numbers this program has never seen. 

I congratulate each and every one of BECA's future scholars.

We know it wasn't easy. In fact, we know it was darn tough.

Lastly, I congratulate the BECA team of Maryury Ruíz, Urania Montoya, and Reyaldo López on facilitating this achievement.

Time for a piña colada, ¿verdad? Or perhaps 100 of them?


  1. Writing as a retired English teacher, I would readily award you a 10/10 on your blogs. What had Hemingway got over you!

    I am with you 100% and proud of you and your openness to change, to grow, to listen.

    Never forget: It is better to be a "good" failure, than a "rotten" success! You are blessed with integrity and credibility -- praise the Lord!

    Love & prayers, Sr. Victoria

  2. Gusto mo ba ng Online work?
    Earn while you enjoy time with your Family & Lovedones!
    Email me:
    For more details, kindly visit
