Thursday, August 22, 2013

"You are Cheapskates!"

A common refrain of the students in BECA

Directed to all of us on the BECA team who administer the BECA scholarship program in Nicaragua.

This complaint often arises when it comes to student requests for extraordinary school supplies. (An example might be a nurse's uniform.)

Admittedly, our current process is very bureaucratic. BECA asks for a signed and sealed letter from the Director of the school. And we are the first to acknowledge that it isn't an easy matter.

Why in the world do we make it so complicated?

First, the process was not always this way. In fact, as early last year the process was a lot simpler. Unfortunately, there were abuses and some students took liberties. The consequence? The team decided that stricter rules were necessary and, as a result, all of the students are paying for these indiscretions.

Second, we know that the present process must be improved. It is on the agenda of the 2013 staff retreat in October. In the meantime, any idea that any student may have to streamline the process in a fair, efficient way is welcome.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, is the following: BECA's funds are not unlimited! I have personally tried to impress upon the team that we have to watch every penny. BECA is about offering an educational opportunity. Every penny saved means a penny that can go towards creating an opportunity for another serious, young Nicaraguan next year.

Fortunately, the current BECA team of Urania, Maryury, and Reynaldo understand this last point very well.

So don't be surprised if the next time we hear "you are cheapskates!", you hear the following in response:

"Thanks for the compliment!"

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