Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why Isn't He Helping?

Interesting situation these days in the BECA weekend community service projects here in Nicaragua.

(Parenthesis: Scholarship recipients are asked to perform community service for three hours every other Saturday. About 75% comply. They are rewarded for doing so with a payment.)

It seems that some of the students are quite unhappy that some of the participants do all the work while the others just sit around and twiddle their thumbs.

A lot of grumbling and finger-pointing."Why should we do all the work? Why don't those guys get off their asses?"

I really understand their frustration. It doesn't seem fair.

But to all of you frustrated students, may I offer a comment?

"Welcome to the real world, muchachos!"

What is happening in the jornadas is not at all unusual.

Some people do most of the work. The rest are largely bystanders.

In the church. In the community. In schools. And in the workplace.

And here's the catch. The lazies are not going to change.

Nope. No matter what you say, or how you look at them. It won't make any difference.

I suggest an alternative strategy, which I admit isn't easy.
  1. Take pride in your own contribution and continue doing the best you know how. 
  2. Enjoy the nice, warm feeling that goes along with helping someone. 
  3. Accept that not everyone thinks or acts the same way.
The option is yours.

Becado Nelson Chavarria (2010)

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