Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The "A" Word

Someone asked me the other day what really really bugs me. You know the list of contenders: racism, ignorance, poverty, selfishness, etc.

I didn't have an immediate answer and although the subject matter is a little negative for my tastes, I found myself pondering the question later that day.

And come to think of it there is something.


I have no patience for it.

It has to do with people (or organizations) who think that they are in some way superior to other people (or organizations).

The default is to associate arrogance with money. For me, material wealth is only one of several dimensions in which arrogance can rear its ugly head. Consider the following:
  • Intelligence . . . . . . .I can outsmart you!
  • Physical beauty . . . You are fat!
  • Career . . . . . . . . . . .He's a taxi driver!
Interestingly, I find there is much less arrogance in Nicaragua than in Canada. Or for that matter, than most other places I've visited or lived.


I much prefer this "A" word.

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