Thursday, March 7, 2013

Having Fun

Recently it came to my attention that one of our contacts in a partner school took exception to my "joking manner."

This came as quite a surprise to me. (And possibly to the BECA team member in my company.)

It seems that an Executive Director of a national foundation -- that would be ME -- should not be making jokes in meetings with "important people" -- whatever "important" means.

The timing of this occurrence was curious because it was only recently that I was emphasizing to the BECA team the importance of having fun on the job.

We even made a poster of three themes that we would try to rally around in 2013.

Has this experience changed my approach?

Nope. Not for a split-second.

After all, life is _ _ _ _ _, isn't it? Let's enjoy the ride.

A Classic Photo from the BECA Archives (2010) Are these becados having fun, or what. . . and it's a social project!

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