Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Thoughts on BECA's Latest Initiative

Project REY13.

It's a curious name for a project, so-named because it was hatched in BECA's 2012 student council, and the president happened to be named Reynaldo.

Indeed, it is the first project idea that has undertaken originating from the student council. (And hopefully it won't be the last.)

In brief it is about taking the classifying stage of BECA's program right to the high school. The students classify for their scholarship during their senior year.

In this way, the students don't miss a year before starting their post-secondary studies.

The Pioneers of REY13. They look young don't they? (March 2013) More pictures

It's a cool concept. It's cost-effective. I'm a little concerned about the age of the participants. Some of these kids are only 16 years old.

But hey, the mission of BECA is to provide an educational opportunity to high school graduates and project REY13 doesn't stray.

The greatest success of the project so far?

The administration by the BECA Coordinator in charge. Solid execution, very few hiccups, and strict attention to costs.

Is this the future of BECA Nicaragua?

Might be.

Let's have fun and see what happens.

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