Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taxis in Masaya, Nicaragua

How do I get around in Masaya?

Taxi. I did buy a car a few months ago, but it's a real lemon. (Blog on the lemon overdue.)

You just can't beat a Masaya taxi ride for the price. Usually 50 cents for a trip. Yes, I said CENTS.

Masaya Taxi (One of the nicer ones)
And they are everywhere. You rarely have to wait more than a couple of minutes to flag one down.

Did I say "flag one down"? Oops. Actually no flagging is necessary as these customer-hungry creatures will honk to attract your attention. Imagine that? 

I don't know how the poor souls make a living because the price of gas is more than what we pay in Canada; as of this write, about $1.25 a liter.

Of course there are idiosyncrasies, like:
  • sharing your trip. Be prepared to share your ride with other people your taxista picks up en route.
  • opening the door from the outside (to get out!).
  • visiting the gas station on your trip (and watching him buy $2 worth of gas - "super," of course).
  • paying a 50% premium if you're gringo (hey, it's still only 75 cents!).
Dad liked to say, "you get what you pay for."

Not in this case, Dad. Can't think of a better deal in all of Nicaragua.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post...and agree, taxis in Nica are the best! I wish we had this community taxi system given that the simple "privilege" of sitting in a taxi here is outrageously expensive and increases almost audibly with every passing second. Seems much more like public transpo, than a luxury for the elite only.
    Feliz año nuevo to all of you there in Nica.
