Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is a special day for those people superstitious about numbers.

I'm not really one of those, but, hey, count me in!

Two reasons.
  1. 12 is my favorite number. It was my first jersey number in soccer, probably given to me arbritarily by some grown-up. But it stuck.
  2. The allure of something that won't happen again. This one is a little more difficult to explain. But it's extremely attractive to know that you are experiencing something that won't happen again. In your lifetime. Think Halley's comet. Think total solar eclipse. Think Rolling Stones farewell concert tour. Oops. Okay maybe not the last one. 
And then it turns out that those very same Stones -- probably my favorite band -- are participating in a Hurricane Sandy benefit concert in New York tonigh. Streaming live on the Internet!

Three of my favorite things all in one day. The number 12. The Rolling Stones. The Internet. 

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