Thursday, December 20, 2012

365 More Days Around the Sun

This year my December 8th was turning into a typical December 8th. 

3pm. Quietly settling into a good e-book, a poker video on the computer, relaxing in my leisureware (meaning underwear), hershey's kisses -- with almonds! -- at my side, reading in peace in my "mansion" as members of BECA "Team Nica" call it.

I ask you, dear reader, . . .  "what else could a guy need?

"Knock, knock." Who on earth could that be? Who would dare disrupt me on my day of peace and tranquililty.

I open the door and there appear +SoraniaDavila, +UraniaMontoya -- with cake in hand -- and, lurking behind, +MaryuryRuiz. My three lieutenants in BECA.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Well, we couldn't forget your birthday, Walter."


Before tears could well up I ushered them to the patio table and we sat down to enjoy the cake they brought along and some harmless, delightful chatter. After an hour or so they chose to pursue what I believe to be a much more interesting pursuit.

My BECA "Army": Sorania, Urania, Maryury (8-12-12)
So what else could a guy need? Well, how about the kindness and thoughtfulness of three lovely women.

That's what else. My day was now complete.

P.S. I want to mention that I also received email congratulations from both Antonio Rodriguez and Eliezer Alvarado. The three of us have parted company recently but despite our differences they chose to take the high road and extend birthday wishes. I applaud them for the classy gestures.

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