Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nine Things That I Bet You Didn't Know About Me

In no special order:
  1. I was in a rock band in high school. Bass guitar.
  2. I have extremely rare palms (you might know this because I've mentioned it here before).
  3. I have a tattoo (don't tell my mom, please)
  4. I drink two big bottles of club soda every day (Canada Dry, of course!)
  5. I don't know how to cook (yeah, and I'm fifty  . . . . sigh)
  6. I once drove a sports car into a ravine (a long, long time ago)
  7. My coffee in the morning consists of two parts coffee, one part chocolate milk. (Now I didn't say all of these would be interesting.)
  8. I still think about my pet frog that died (Grade 7). Ditto for my precious Banana Splits flashlight (Grade 4).
  9. I have a secret passion for reading rock star autobiographies.
So what about you?

Oh come on, don't be shy? Share! I did.

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