Thursday, September 13, 2012

BECA's Annual Retreat

Last year BECA "gran queso" Antonio Rodriguez and I started what we hoped would be an annual practice.

A long weekend in which the BECA team could get away for a two to three day pow-wow to consider changes in our program for the coming year.

The second version of the "BECA Annual Retreat" is set for the first weekend in October.

The weekend is pretty important. Decisions made with respect to policies and processes that weekend impact our students directly for the coming year and beyond.

I really like these kinds of things. They represent a chance to hang out and get to know one another a bit better. Sometimes in an informal setting people let their guard down and it can lead to creative decision-making.

I've already made the first one.

I'm not going.

Yep, I'm the acting Executive Director. And the Executive Director should be there. And deep down I want to be there.

But this Executive Director thinks its more important to empower the BECA team members to learn to make decisions and learn about the consequences that they can bring.

I believe it's the best thing for BECA Nicaragua in the longer run.

And they'll be just fine.

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