Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hi. My Name is Walter Howard.

Like in Canada, newborn in Nicaragua are typically given a first and second name by their parents.

Canadians tend to go by their first name.

That isn't always the case here. It's quite common that the first given name takes a back seat to the second given name.

I find the practice rather puzzling.

The Canadian way seems more logical, right? I mean someone's first name should take precedence. Wasn't that the intention of their parents?

I've asked around for explanations.

Nobody seems to know why.

Or nobody wants to tell me.

But I am determined to unearth the mystery behind what I consider to be another Nicaraguan cultural oddity.

On a recent student visit with BECA Coordinator Urania Montoya I pounced again.

"Why do you use your second name? Why don't you use your first name?," I interrogated the student.

Ms. Montoya, appearing to lose patience with my stubbornness, turned to me and quipped sharply, "Why don't you begin by explaining why you use Walter?"


Point well taken.

I've stopped asking. For the time being. But I'd still like to know.

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