Thursday, April 26, 2012

Something Special About Me (If I May Say So)

According to the "experts," my extremely rare palm lines indicate one of two things:

  1. genius
  2. madness

Either way, I've always loved my palms.

And it's one of my lifelong goals to meet a like-palmed person.

Can you help me?


  1. I have one line through my right palm but not my left

  2. Omg i was looking up special palm lines to look for someone with the same palm line as mine, and your palm picture came up, and i have that same palm line like yours, and it's on both of my palm. I could send you pictures of my palm if you like, i would like to see the turn out rates of the number of people with this special palm lines. contact me at

  3. I have that too. Except while there is a tiny peak on that one going up, i have a tiny peak pionting down.

  4. i have your exact same palm, just two lines and one of them going across the whole hand, i want to know the meaning of this!

  5. i have too but just on my right hand .what does it mean?

  6. Left palm head/heart lines joined as in picture. Right hand, lines slightly separated. Very few other lines on either hand.
    Joined lines indicate there is no conflict between wish, feeling (heart) and practical action (head). You do what you like and you like what you do.
    I have read this is like flying a fighter jet: you can go super fast but can also crash just as quickly. No middle way, a lot of potential, but TAKE IT EASY.
