Thursday, July 21, 2011

Remember When Flying Was Fun?

Flying used to be a lot of fun. Not any more.

What happened? I have a theory.(And, no, I don't believe the culprit is increased airport security.)

Flying has become a commodity. A boring, listless homogenizing commodity.

At every opportunity the airlines have been mindlessly racing to remove any and all frills, perks and conveniences from the experience.

It all started twenty years ago when smoking was banned. Pillows, "real" first class, blankets, free food, free movies are all now pretty much dinosaurs. And the glamorous stewardess? [sigh] The T-Rex of them all.

Why? Beats me. Some kind of herd mentality into a creative abyss.

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Isn't it about time they removed all those "No Smoking" messages wallpapering aircraft interiors?

It's been 23 years, people. Can we put a smiley face there instead?

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