Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Never Say Never

Just to build on that Justin Bieber theme from my last blog a little bit, I think his song "Never Say Never" would make a wonderful theme song for BECA.


It often amazes me what BECA students in Nicaragua achieve in the face of incredible adversity.

Some spend hours on their daily commute -- walking, waiting, and busing -- to and from school.

Others can't count on their family for moral support.

Still others seem to manage with woeful diets. 

A few even continue to hold down tough manual labor jobs while studying full-time.

And I don't hear them complain very often. Their wide smiles never telegraph their realities.

Did I just say that?

Oh well. Allow me a sentimental exception. Bravo, becados of May my admiration for you NEVER weaken.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Walter thanks for the confidence you deposit in the family scholarship, if I was not a good scholarship in the past, now I try to be and you are one of the prinicipal source of admiration as a person, not a lot of his life, but
    I know little enough to admire it.


    Frank Collado 00159 Scholarship
