Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ruben Dario Avenue

Imagine my surprise on my recent trip to Gringolandia.

There I was driving in Miami and eyeballing my suggested route on the GPS computer. (Are they called GPS computers? Never mind . . . )

So I look up, see the red light, and hit the brakes. (HOT TIP: The GPS computer will not say, "Recalculating. Stop at the red light!")

(Almost) Zipping Through Ruben Dario Avenue, Miami

And what street name do I see? Nothing other than Ruben DarĂ­o* Avenue. Cute reminder of my adopted home. So nice to see homage of him here. One of those little random things that makes life special.

Of course after the incident I couldn't help but ask myself, "What does this mean? What does this mean?" jajajajajaja

*Ruben Dario was a Nicaraguan poet, infamous in Latin America.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Remember When Flying Was Fun?

Flying used to be a lot of fun. Not any more.

What happened? I have a theory.(And, no, I don't believe the culprit is increased airport security.)

Flying has become a commodity. A boring, listless homogenizing commodity.

At every opportunity the airlines have been mindlessly racing to remove any and all frills, perks and conveniences from the experience.

It all started twenty years ago when smoking was banned. Pillows, "real" first class, blankets, free food, free movies are all now pretty much dinosaurs. And the glamorous stewardess? [sigh] The T-Rex of them all.

Why? Beats me. Some kind of herd mentality into a creative abyss.

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Isn't it about time they removed all those "No Smoking" messages wallpapering aircraft interiors?

It's been 23 years, people. Can we put a smiley face there instead?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Eating Mosquito

Excerpt from Actual Conversation circa 30 June 2011, Masaya, Nicaragua (Eng.Translation):
 "Where are you going for your vacation?"
"Edmonton, Canada."
 "Do you have mosquitoes over there?"
"Are they as bad as here?"
"Nope. Nothing like here."
Excerpt from Future Conversation (anticipated) 25 July 2011, Masaya, Nicaragua (Eng.Translation):
"How do you say 'Eating Crow' in Spanish?"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Never Say Never

Just to build on that Justin Bieber theme from my last blog a little bit, I think his song "Never Say Never" would make a wonderful theme song for BECA.


It often amazes me what BECA students in Nicaragua achieve in the face of incredible adversity.

Some spend hours on their daily commute -- walking, waiting, and busing -- to and from school.

Others can't count on their family for moral support.

Still others seem to manage with woeful diets. 

A few even continue to hold down tough manual labor jobs while studying full-time.

And I don't hear them complain very often. Their wide smiles never telegraph their realities.

Did I just say that?

Oh well. Allow me a sentimental exception. Bravo, becados of May my admiration for you NEVER weaken.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Know, I Know . . . (Air Canada and Justin Bieber)

The trip back to Edmonton from Nicaragua is a long one. There are no direct flights and it takes a day, more or less.

Basically, there are two travel options from Nicaragua. Air Canada and Continental.

Air Canada delivers me via Costa Rica and Toronto. Continental only makes one stop: Houston.

The "via Houston" route is MUCH faster. I still MUCH prefer Air Canada.

Two reasons.
1) U.S. Customs. They are a real pain. I know, I know . . . they have a job to do. But it befuddles me to no end why they have to ask me all these questions when ALL I'M DOING IN HOUSTON IS CHANGING PLANES. Grrrrr. 
I'm sure there is a good reason for it. There usually is. But it still bugs me.
2) Air Canada Seat Console Entertainment systems. Air Canada has this video thing on the back of the seats on the aircraft with a surprisingly wide selection of TV shows, movies, music videos, news programs, documentaries (even HBO!).
I know, I know . . . all the major air carriers have them, but they all want me to stick my credit card through this narrow channel in the back of the seat in front of me. Huh? Nope. I don't think that is going to happen.
Conversely, the Air Canada video system is free! Well, I guess what I should say is that there is no extra cost. Yippee!
And this brings me to Justin Bieber.

I heard about this guy before. Some kind of cute young kid turned social media pop star. I heard he was from Canada and how he somehow tweeted his way to fame.

Anyway, it turns out that one of the movies on my recent Air Canada flight was called "Never Say Never" starring this Justin Bieber character.

It was a largely fluffy 95 minutes of self-promotion. 

Nevertheless, I thought the movie was absolutely great. Hey, I felt really good inside after watching it.

I really loved it. (For those that know me, it warrants an 8.75 out of 10.)

I know, I know . . . HAVE I LOST MY MIND?

Maybe, but the kid is talented. And I'm standing up for him.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

3 Weeks of ________ ?

I'm taking a three week break. (I'm going to Gringolandia for a week followed by two weeks in my hometown of Edmonton.)

I've taken breaks before but there is a difference this time.

Usually when I take a break I continue micro-managing from a distance. This time I've told myself -- and I've told the BECA team in Nicaragua -- that they're on their own for three weeks.

You see, we have some very smart people working for BECA in Nicaragua.

It's a good opportunity to step back a little bit and let them show me, and themselves, what they are capable of.

After all, the master plan is to leave BECA in the hands of Nicaraguans.

It's where BECA Nicaragua ultimately belongs.