Friday, November 28, 2008

Getting the Word out . . . . Literally!


What has four wheels, traverses the city at the break of dawn and in the late hours of the evening, makes a heckuva of a lot of noise and is annoying as hell?


One of these.

Also known in Nicargua as a "perifoneo." These guys drive around Masaya day in and day out barking their marketing messages from loud speakers (emphasis on loud) placed on the roof of their car. They hawk everything from store sales to -- get this -- death announcements.

Well . . . when in Rome? Sure, why not. I contracted one for a couple of hours to bark out the message of in some of our target communities.

"Listen up high school graduates. Do you want to go to school but don't have any money? Go to MASINFA or INTECOMP for information on becas from Hurry it up!"

Cost: $25.00
Effective: Probably not very.

I think it was just a lot of fun doing something that would never, ever be tolerated back in Canada (where some cities have noise bylaws against even those harmless ice cream trucks). Sometimes it feels good to not live in a hermitically sealed environment. Do you know what I mean?

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