Monday, October 27, 2008

The Certificate

In Nicaragua, we have learned that "the certificate" is important.

In fact, they give certificates for almost anything.

Five year university degree: certificate
One year technical training: certificate
Weekend babysitting course: certificate
One day trade fair participation: certificate
Driving school course: certificate
90 minute changing a tire seminar: certificate

Okay, I'm only kidding about the last one, but do you get the picture?

When I lobbed the idea around with some locals that BECA was thinking of not offering certificates for Curso Uno (aside: those that know me know that I am absolutely obsessed with cutting out unnecessary fluff) -- well, they looked at me like I had just burned the Nicaraguan flag or something.

Eventually I relented because we figured out a way to do it cost-efficiently.

So, without further ado, I present to you the inaugural Curso Uno certificate:

Guilty admission: I did kinda enjoy signing the suckers.

1 comment:

  1. ALLWAYS fun to read your blogs.

    Glad to see your project developing and tangible results surfacing.

