Thursday, October 23, 2008

Testing the test

Pilot #2 is winding down, and I have been handed the responsibility of testing our becados on the material they have learned in BECA Course One.

How does one test a group of 40+ becados on typing, windows, internet, and Microsoft Word? Well...through the internet...of course! As novices in administering exams, and even more so in creating them, we decided to put our examen final before some graduated becados from Pilot #1, who are familiar with our course material.

This past Tuesday I set out to a local internet cafe to meet three of our graduated becados. Prior to testing the test, I was only concerned about one thing, "What will they score?" That simple-minded approach left me in a big pickle. Approximately one hour into the exam, I noticed the internet was running a little slowly. No biggie, I thought, this is Nicaragua! A few moments later the worst case scenario became reality, the internet was lost.

I was frustrated for several reasons. 1) The becados had no way of submitting the exam. 2) I did not have a back-up plan. 3) I was paying for the time on these computers, only to result in nada.

So here I am, five days away from the first exam, and still without any clear gauge on how our becados will perform. But at least I have a back-up plan.

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